Our institution offers Mentoring system through which a group of students are assigned to a group of faculty members at the commencement of Academic program. Mentoring system is put into practice in the Institution by assigning students to each Mentor. Mentors play vital role of guide, advisor and Counselor to the Mentee. Every department is allotted around 35 to 40 students to each mentor. The institute follows Standard process of mentoring by maintaining Handbook. Mentoring in the institute covers following aspects:
Each mentor has to conduct minimum 2 Meetings with the assigned group of mentees. Mentoring meetings are beneficial for the students in various aspects like Academic, behavioural, attitudinal and social. In the first meeting , mentor collects data from the mentee group which will be helpful for the Problem solving and managing students grievances. Mentors ask regularly to the students regarding difficulties faced regarding a particular course, subject or a teacher. Mentor-mentee report is to be filled up in the Handbook provided by the College. It indicates appropriate action plan of improvement as well as special measures taken by the mentor.